You can run SQL*Plus scripts by following a few simple steps. For example, you can insert a row into a table, define variables, and prompt for substitution values. You can also include an EXIT command in your script. Listed below are some useful tips on how to run SQL scripts from the command line. To get started, read this article. Then, apply these tips to your SQL*Plus scripts.
SQL*Plus insert
In SQL*Plus for Windows NT and Windows 95, you can edit and print your spool files. You can also run SQL commands or PL/SQL blocks by using the RUN command, which is equivalent to the “Run” menu in Windows. In the spool file editor, choose the option Copy to copy selected text to the Windows clipboard. You can then paste it into a SQL*Plus script.
To use the ACCEPT command, specify the char or NUMBER data type. If the variable name is not known, use a placeholder variable. The ampersand designates the variable and instructs SQL*Plus to substitute it. The double ampersand, on the other hand, instructs it to store the variable in a session variable, and uses a placeholder name. Using an ampersand for table_name is not recommended, however, as it can be confusing for users to understand.
After entering the search text, you should press F3 to view the corresponding menu. If the search doesn’t match the query, you can press the Home, End, Page Up, or Page Down keys. Changing case sensitivity can be achieved by checking the Case Sensitive check box. Then, you can select the variable from the list box. This method is more convenient than typing the entire statement.
Next, create a shortcut to SQL*Plus on the desktop. The shortcut icon will look like a generic application or the familiar disk platter with a plus. Double-clicking on this icon will run the script. You’re now ready to insert a new record. But before you run the script, you should make sure that it prompts the user for a username and password. Then, you should save the file.
SET commands can be useful for setting various system variables. For example, you can use SET to set the number of columns per page and to specify a default value. You can also use SET to control the number of lines displayed for the script. You can use the SET command and SET variables for this purpose. The SET command is equivalent to the Environment menu items in Windows. During the process of changing the buffer size, SQL*Plus displays a warning dialog box. Click OK to continue.
SQL*Plus define variables
SQL*Plus defines variables when running an SQL file from the command line. You can specify as many parameters as you like in your command file. You can refer to each parameter any number of times and include them in any order. This method is called “globalization.”
In addition, if you use the -c option, the program will automatically create the &1, &2, and &3 parameters for you. You can also use the &1 and &2 parameter to run nested SQL scripts. Moreover, you can use these variables to format the text and title. The SQL*Plus screen can be cleared and loaded in an editor.
You can also use the SET command to define system variables. SET ECHO specifies whether the SQL*Plus commands should be echoed. SET HEADING tells SQL*Plus to display the column names in the output. SET LONG tells the SQL*Plus script to print out the number of lines per page, whereas SET NULL instructs it to display a value.
Another useful feature of SQL*Plus is the ability to define variables. For example, if you need to access a database on a remote server, you can specify a TEST database UID. You can also specify a database’s level or schema name. Using the SET command will enable you to configure the environment, and even exit it if necessary. There are some other advantages to using a SQL*Plus command line, but for now, this is the best way to use this tool for your SQL scripts.
The HELP command shows the current user and schema, which can help prevent you from making changes in the wrong schema. Besides, the HELP command saves the current SQL statement and environment. You can also save your SQL statement by using the SAVE command. In addition, SQL*Plus also supports interactive and call modes. If you’re running an SQL script from the command line, you can use HELPINS to help you define variables.
Using the DEFINE command will allow you to change the environment variables in SQL*Plus. For example, when using the ENVIRONMENT variables, you can set them to either V7 or V8, or you can specify a string. These variables will affect the result and the efficiency of SQL*Plus. You can also set the ON state to make sure that the database is commited whenever you are making changes.
SQL*Plus prompts for values of substitution variables
To change the values of substitution variables in a statement, you need to insert a single or double ampersand (&&) before the variable name. SQL*Plus will preprocess the statement and substitute the value of the variable before sending the final statement to the database engine. In step two, the database engine will process the results. While substitution variables can be used to replace options in most SQL*Plus commands, some have special meanings.
When running an SQL script from the command line, SQL*Plus will prompt for values of substitution variables before starting the execution of the SQL statement. Once the value of a substitution variable is entered, SQL*Plus will display the corresponding values in the substitution variable twice. The output of this command will be similar to that of executing an SQL script from the command line.
During development, shortcuts and relative path syntax are very appealing. However, when it comes to production, it is best to use fully qualified paths from a fixed environment variable, such as $ORACLE_HOME. However, dynamic scripts rely on substitution variables, which act as placeholders in SQL. The syntax of SQL statements depends on whether they are static or dynamic.
To use substitution variables in an SQL script, you must enter the table name and column number. You can also include a semicolon at the end of the command to insert a new line. SQL*Plus will insert the line at the beginning of the buffer, so that the input line is now line 1. Use RUN to verify the results and re-run the query.
When you run an SQL script from the command line, the SQL environment is not limited to running SQL statements. It was originally designed as an SQL report writer. It has a number of features that make the program more user-friendly. The Advanced Friendly Interface (AFI) provides users with well-designed formatting extensions that let them format and aggregate the result set data. Moreover, the command line editor lets you edit SQL scripts interactively and save them as files.
Including an EXIT command in an SQL script
An EXIT command is used to end the current process. When SQL Server encounters an error, it will terminate the process. If the error is a severe one, the SQL script will return a warning message, and an EXIT command will end the process. This command is helpful in situations where you need to stop a procedure to avoid a SQL error message. It also allows you to avoid error messages by ensuring that the SQL statement that precedes it returns a successful outcome.
Including an EXIT command in an existing script is not as difficult as it may seem. An EXIT command is included in any SQL script as a way to terminate it when it does not succeed. The syntax of an EXIT command must be consistent with other SQL commands. It should be followed by a semicolon. The SQL script can contain multiple SQL commands and PL/SQL blocks.
An EXIT command must be included in an SQL script if you want the results to be displayed in a specific manner. The value variable must be either on or off. You can also include an auto setting for it. A value of on means that the results of a query will be displayed in horizontal mode. The auto setting will use an expanded mode if more than one column is present. Otherwise, it will use regular mode when the output format is too wide.
Including an EXIT command in an application is similar to using a SET statement in a graphical development environment. An EXIT statement will be processed faster if you use a command line. Several advantages to this method include:
In addition to variables, d commands accept a pattern parameter. This is the exact name of the object you are trying to access. Using quotes prevents the characters from folding to lower case, but it can be useful for special cases such as when the object is an array. The S modifier can also be used. Using an EXIT command is safe in most situations. Once it has been accepted, you can safely return the results of the query.