When buying a new phone, look for this sign. If you see this sign, then the phone is locked to one particular wireless carrier. This is because carriers do not sell a lot of popular smartphone models, and it is difficult to switch carriers after you purchase a locked phone. You can, however, use roaming services while traveling, which can be expensive. You can also find cheaper coverage by switching to a local wireless carrier.
The first step in unlocking a Google locked phone is to verify whether you have the same account. If you are prompted for a Google account, you will need to sign in to your account. If you do not have a Google account, you will be unable to unlock the device. You should contact Google to determine if it is possible to unlock a locked phone. If you do have the same account, you can unlock the device with your original Google account.
Once you’ve confirmed that the phone is not locked to a specific carrier, you can then sell it. However, it is important to note that you can sell a Google locked phone legally, as long as you tell the buyer that you have no access to the device’s data. You can sell a Google locked phone on eBay or through another online store, but it’s best to keep the passcode hidden.